Gistme: President Xi: The relationship between China and France is an example of win-win cooperation and harmonious cohabitation between nations with diverse political systems.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

President Xi: The relationship between China and France is an example of win-win cooperation and harmonious cohabitation between nations with diverse political systems.

President Xi: The relationship between China and France is an example of win-win cooperation and harmonious cohabitation between nations with diverse political systems.

James Coleman | 5th May, 2024

Photo Credit: CGTN

Chinese President Xi Jinping said in a written speech on Sunday upon his arrival in Paris for a state visit to France that China-France relations have long been at the forefront of China's ties with major Western countries over the past 60 years, setting a good example for an international community of peaceful coexistence and for win-win cooperation between countries with different systems.

According to him, the strengthening of links between China and France serves both peoples and stabilizes and uplifts the unstable world.

According to Xi, China is prepared to strengthen the long-standing alliance, advance political mutual trust, forge an agreement on strategy, and expand communication and collaboration with France.

Source(s):  Xinhua News agency


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